Ramu Nickel and MCC

Hi People,

For those of you worried about mining wastes in the sea around Madang, worry some more!

A couple of years ago the PNG Government commissioned an independent scientific review on the wisdom of STD operations in PNG waters, with a focus on the nickel mine in Madang.  It was done by the Scottish Association of Marine Science, paid for by the EU and delivered to PNG 6 months ago.  It states:

Suspended sediments, and hence latterly mine tailings therefore have the potential for a wide dispersal in the Vitiaz Strait notably towards to NW, Madang and Karkar Island.”

What that means in plain english, is the tailings, that the Chinese are saying will sit on the ocean floor, will be spread far and wide. 

Worry more yet.

Follow this link to download it.  Final Report

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